Exploring Copper-Substituted Lead Apatites for Room-Temperature Superconductivity
Category Science Friday - May 31 2024, 12:07 UTC - 9 months ago This study explored the potential of a copper-substituted lead apatite called LK-99 as a room-temperature superconductor. The researchers modified the synthesis method and conducted comprehensive measurements, showing potential for superconductivity at temperatures up to 250 K. A lead-free version of the material was also synthesized with even stronger properties. The role of lead in the superconductivity of LK-99 was found to be minimal.
Lead apatite is a common mineral that has been used in various applications, including as a raw material for ceramics and glass. However, in recent years, it has garnered attention for its potential as a room-temperature superconductor. Specifically, a copper-substituted lead apatite known as LK-99 has been claimed to exhibit superconductivity at room temperature. This claim has been met with controversy and skepticism, as reproducing the results has proven to be challenging due to the complex components and structures involved.
In an effort to provide further insight into the potential of LK-99 as a room-temperature superconductor, a group of Chinese researchers have conducted a study to replicate and extend previous work done by Korean researchers. In their paper, they detail their updated synthesis method for LK-99, as well as their comprehensive investigation of its magnetic and electric properties.
The study involved modifying the synthetic procedure of SCCLA (the sulfur-copper codoped lead apatite) to better incorporate both sulfur and copper into the crystal structure. This resulted in a directional stacking mechanism, which was revealed through structural characterization. The researchers then measured the magnetic and electric properties of SCCLA and found that it exhibited a strange-metal phase at large currents and a second-order phase transition at around 230 K during cooling.
One of the most significant findings of the study was the observation of hysteresis in the MH (magnetization vs. applied field) curves at temperatures up to 250 K. This hysteresis effect was even more pronounced at 150 K, surpassing the highest critical temperature of known superconductors at ambient pressure. This result was previously reported in a separate paper by the same group of researchers, but the quality of the data in this study was greatly improved, further supporting the potential for room-temperature superconductivity in LK-99.
The researchers also note that the sulfur used in the synthesis of SCCLA played a crucial role in the substitution of copper, which is not typically favored in lead apatite structures. This has been demonstrated in previous Chinese research, which showed that the sulfur-copper codoped lead apatite exhibited a weak Meissner effect (the expulsion of magnetic fields from a superconductor) at near room temperature. In order to improve this effect, the researchers either had to carefully optimize the synthesis procedure or find a way to design and synthesize a lead-free version of SCCLA. In this study, they chose the latter option and successfully synthesized a lead-free sample, which showed even stronger diamagnetism and smaller resistance at low temperatures.
Interestingly, the researchers also found that the presence of lead may not be necessary for the superconductivity exhibited by LK-99. The lead-free version of SCCLA was found to be more fragile, suggesting that lead may only play a small role in enhancing the robustness of the crystal structure. Additionally, at temperatures below 40 K, the magnetic moment of the lead-free sample dramatically drops by more than one order of magnitude. The researchers suggest that this may be due to the difference in magnetic field orientation caused by the directional stacking of the crystal grains in the sample.
Overall, this study provides new insights into the potential of copper-substituted lead apatites for room-temperature superconductivity. The researchers believe that their improved synthesis method and the findings from their comprehensive measurements have taken a significant step towards the realization of superconductivity at room temperature. However, further research and refinement of the synthesis method will be necessary to fully understand and harness the potential of LK-99 and other similar materials.