The Persistent Illness of Covid-19: Exploring the Mysterious World of Long Covid

Category Technology

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Long covid is a complex and often debilitating condition that affects a significant portion of covid-19 patients. Recent research suggests that changes in the complement system, a vital part of the immune system, may play a role in driving long covid. Further study is needed to better understand and treat this illness.

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For many people, covid is an illness that blusters in and out of our lives as cases spike and recede. But for tens of millions of others, a case of covid is the beginning of a chronic and sometimes debilitating illness that persists for months or even years. This phenomenon, known as long covid, has been puzzling doctors and researchers since the early days of the pandemic. In an effort to shed light on this mysterious condition, a team of scientists from Switzerland recently conducted a study that revealed a potential source of the persistent symptoms experienced by long covid patients .

Long covid is a term used to describe a wide range of lingering symptoms experienced by individuals who have recovered from covid-19

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