Introducing VideoGigaGAN: The Revolutionary AI Application That Enhances Video Quality
Category Computer Science Sunday - May 5 2024, 18:42 UTC - 9 months ago The team at Adobe has developed VideoGigaGAN, an AI application that can enhance the quality of blurry videos up to eight times. Using a generative adversarial network and a "flow-guided propagation module," VideoGigaGAN consistently improves video clarity without any "AI weirdness." Some output is still artificially generated by the system, but it sets a new standard for video enhancement and is a glimpse into the future of AI technology.
AI has been making waves in the technology industry with its amazing capabilities, from generating realistic text to creating artificial images. And now, the team at Adobe has taken it a step further with their newest application, VideoGigaGAN. VideoGigaGAN uses a generative adversarial network (GAN) to enhance the sharpness and clarity of blurry videos, making them up to eight times better in quality.
But how does it work? Using its previously demonstrated app, GigaGAN, the system is first trained on what sharp and clear video looks like. This includes details such as individual hairs in eyebrows, rather than being a blurry mass. The team also added a "flow-guided propagation module" to keep things consistent between video frames.
To ensure that the results are of high quality and not plagued with the well-known problem of "AI weirdness," the team implemented anti-aliasing techniques. They also used high-frequency feature shuttling to handle unexpected declines in video quality. The result? An upgraded video with impressive clarity and sharpness.
But it's not all perfect. The team acknowledges that some of the output is still artificially generated and not from the original video. This means that features such as pores in skin, lines around the eyes, and even eyelashes are added by the system to enhance the overall quality of the video.
The announcement of VideoGigaGAN is more of a demonstration rather than a pending release, so it's currently unclear if it will be available for general use. But one thing is for sure – VideoGigaGAN is establishing a new standard for video enhancement, and it's a glimpse of what the future of AI applications holds.