Incremental Gains for Spinal Cord Injury Patients: The Impact of Tech on Quality of Life
Category Health Sunday - May 26 2024, 04:54 UTC - 8 months ago While there is often a focus on helping those with paralysis walk again, small improvements in daily life can have a huge impact for spinal cord injury patients. The latest study has shown promising results with external tech that improves balance, stamina, and trunk stability. Despite previous hype, progress towards real world solutions has been slower than expected.
When it comes to tech that can assist those with paralysis, there is often a laser focus on helping them walk again. While this may seem like the ultimate goal, for those with spinal cord injuries, even small improvements in daily life can have a huge impact.
In a survey conducted by researcher Kim Anderson-Erisman, over 600 people with spinal cord injuries were asked to rank seven different functions based on how much recovery would improve their quality of life. The functions ranged from hand and arm mobility to sexual function. This sheds light on the fact that while the ability to walk again may seem like the most important thing, other functions are just as crucial for a good quality of life.
Take Jeff Marquis, one of the participants in the University of Louisville's study. While the news of him regaining the ability to walk may have made headlines, in reality, he can only walk with the aid of parallel bars and a harness, and only in a controlled lab environment. At home, he still relies on a wheelchair for mobility. However, the implanted stimulator has greatly improved his balance, stamina, and trunk stability - which has made a huge difference in his daily activities.
The most exciting aspect of the latest study is that the tech used is external, making it more accessible and cheaper for potential users. The participants in the study were able to gain skills that they can use in their everyday lives, such as being able to move and pick up objects. While these may seem like small feats, for those with spinal cord injuries, these incremental gains can be life-changing.
In 2017, there was much hype surrounding technology that could reverse paralysis by reconnecting the brain and body. However, the progress towards real world solutions has been slower than initially anticipated. This latest study has shown promising results and gives hope to those with spinal cord injuries that technology can have a significant impact on their quality of life.