Improving the Reliability and Performance of Smart Meters on the Grid

Category Computer Science

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This study aimed to improve the accuracy and reliability of grid electricity meters, offering practical suggestions for assessing and optimizing measurement performance. A hybrid model constructed using the Shapley approach was demonstrated to be more accurate than other models. These advancements contribute to the reliability and performance of smart meters on the grid.

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A study aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of grid electricity meters, particularly under challenging on-site conditions is published in the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology. The research offers practical suggestions for assessing and optimizing measurement performance. Chencheng Wang of the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company Marketing Service Center in Sichuan, China, explains how he has developed a measurement error estimation method utilizing big data analysis technology .

The hybrid model constructed using the Shapley approach encompasses both the BP neural network and RBF neural network

His method integrates environmental and electrical factor data collected during on-site operations, providing real-time measurement error assessment for intelligent energy meters. Smart energy meters are subject to mandatory national verification and management. Errors in the readings they produce not only affect the interests of millions of households, but also affect the safety, stability, and economic operation of smart grids themselves .

The conversion relationship curve between on-site measurement errors and laboratory reference conditions allows for the identification of electric energy meters with larger measurement errors

A prediction tool built on the Shapley combination model and a neural network was demonstrated to be more accurate at making predictions about demand than other approaches based on tests with historical data, according to Wang. However, a hybrid model constructed using the Shapley approach to bring together the BP neural network and RBF neural network demonstrated fast convergence and high accuracy, outperforming the conventional Holt Winters model .

The neural network model is able to predict energy demand more accurately than other models

The findings could be used in the reliable evaluation of smart meters with a view to improving operational decision-making and maintenance based on their real-time status. The work, by integrating and analyzing maintenance and abnormal data, also offers a lifespan survival probability model for smart meters. The practical implications of this work lie in the improvement of error verification for electric energy meters operating on the grid .

Shapley combination model utilizes big data analysis technology

The researchers provided a conversion relationship curve between on-site measurement errors and laboratory reference conditions, aiding in identifying electric energy meters with larger measurement errors. This approach facilitates the efficiency of error inspections in on-site operations and enables the prediction of out-of-tolerance failures in measuring equipment in advance. Overall, these advancements contribute to the reliability and performance of smart meters on the grid .

A lifespan survival probability model for smart meters is offered

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