COVID-19 Lockdowns Impact Wildlife Behavior Worldwide

Category Science

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A global study found that during strict COVID-19 lockdowns, animals traveled up to 73% longer distances and ventured 36% closer to roads, likely due to reduced human activity. However, in areas with less restrictive lockdowns, animal travel decreased, possibly because these regions saw increased human visits to nature spots. The findings illustrate the significant impact of human presence on wildlife behavior and suggest potential benefits of human behavioral changes to wildlife.

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Human behavior changed dramatically during lockdowns in the first months of the global COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in behavioral changes of land mammals.

A global study found that during strict COVID-19 lockdowns, animals traveled up to 73% longer distances and ventured 36% closer to roads, likely due to reduced human activity. However, in areas with less restrictive lockdowns, animal travel decreased, possibly because these regions saw increased human visits to nature spots. The findings illustrate the significant impact of human presence on wildlife behavior and suggest potential benefits of human behavioral changes to wildlife.

Researchers found that there was a decrease in animals traveling in areas with less strict lockdowns with people being encouraged to go into nature

Tucker and 174 colleagues, including members of the COVID-19 Bio-Logging Initiative, analyzed global data from land mammals tracked by GPS devices. Tucker: "There were many media reports that nature was recovering during those first lockdowns. For example, cougars were roaming the streets of Santiago, Chile, but we wanted to know: is there any evidence of this? Or were people simply paying more attention to everything while being at home?" .

The study showed that environmental effects of human presence can be implemented almost immediately

Tucker and colleagues collated data from the movements of 43 different species of land mammals from around the world. In total, more than 2,300 individuals were included: from elephants and giraffes to bears and deer. The researchers compared the mammals’ movements during the first period of lockdowns, from January to mid-May 2020, with movements during the same months a year earlier. "We saw that during strict lockdowns, animals traveled up to 73 percent longer distances in a period of 10 days than the year before, when there were no lockdowns. We also saw that animals occurred on average 36 percent closer to roads than the year before. This is probably because those roads were quieter during strict lockdowns," said Tucker.

The change in human presence through lockdowns was indirectly beneficial to wildlife populations

There are several explanations for these results: there were fewer people outside during strict lockdowns, giving animals the opportunity to explore new areas. "In contrast, in areas with less strict lockdowns, we saw that animals traveled shorter distances. This may have to do with the fact that during those lockdowns, people were actually encouraged to go into nature. As a result, some nature areas were busier than before COVID-19," says Thomas Mueller, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, and Goethe University Frankfurt, who designed the study together with Tucker.

The research showed that more than 2,300 individuals of 43 different species of land mammals, from elephants and giraffes to bears and deer, were monitored during the lockdowns

The lockdowns provided a unique opportunity to study the effects of an abrupt change in human presence on wildlife. "Our research has shown that animals can respond directly to changes in human behavior. This offers hope for the future, because in principle this means that making some adjustments to our own behavior could have a positive effect on animals," says Tucker.

For more on this research, see COVID-19 Lockdowns Altered Mammal Movement Behaviors Worldwide.

The study found animals traveled up to 73% longer distances and ventured 36% closer to roads, likely due to reduced human activity.

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