Comet SOHO-5008: The Citizen Scientist's Discovery During a Solar Eclipse
Category Astronomy Tuesday - April 23 2024, 23:48 UTC - 10 months ago Comet SOHO-5008 was discovered by a citizen scientist on April 8, 2024, and captured during a solar eclipse. Its disintegration near the Sun was observed thanks to the eclipse. SOHO's clear view of the Sun's surroundings has made it the most prolific comet finder in history.
On April 8, 2024, a remarkable event occurred. A citizen scientist discovered a comet in images captured by the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). This comet, named Comet SOHO-5008, was especially significant because of what happened later that same day - a total solar eclipse.
The SOHO Sungrazer Project, led by Karl Battams of the US Naval Research Lab, has been actively searching for comets near the Sun. In fact, Comet SOHO-5008 was their 5000th discovery. But Battams also predicted that this comet would be visible during the total solar eclipse that was due to pass over parts of the United States and Mexico.
One person who was able to capture this rare sight was Petr Horálek from the Institute of Physics in Opava, Czechia. He was in Mexico specifically for the eclipse and was able to capture a stunning image of the Sun's corona. In the lower left corner of the image, a bright object can be seen - Comet SOHO-5008. Horálek's photo has been shared and admired by many, as it showcases the beauty and power of the Sun and its surroundings.
Comet SOHO-5008 was not meant to last long, as it came dangerously close to the Sun, causing it to disintegrate. But thanks to the eclipse, this rare event was captured and observed by scientists and amateur stargazers alike. And it is not just any comet - it is a sungrazing comet, which is a type of comet that only becomes visible when it passes extremely close to the Sun.
The image of Comet SOHO-5008 is a composite of 100 frames, with the wide corona captured at a focal length of 200 mm and exposure times ranging from 1/4000 to 2 seconds. The inner corona was captured at a focal length of 1100 mm with exposure times from 1/500 to 4 seconds. This composite image truly captures the beauty and complexity of the Sun's surroundings.
SOHO's ability to detect sungrazing comets was not its primary purpose - it was simply a fortunate side effect. But its clear view of the Sun's surroundings has made it the most successful discoverer of comets in astronomical history. Thanks to the SOHO Sungrazer Project and the diligent work of citizen scientists, we can continue to uncover the secrets and mysteries of our solar system.