Cleaning the Air, Heating the Earth: The Dual Effect of Pollution Regulations on Global Warming
Category Engineering Sunday - April 14 2024, 01:15 UTC - 10 months ago Cutting air pollution has a surprising side effect – contributing to global warming. Stricter pollution regulations have reduced the cooling effect of sulfur dioxide, allowing more sunlight to enter the atmosphere and increase the Earth's temperature. While important for public health, this also highlights the urgent need to address greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the effects of global warming.
Usually when we talk about climate change, the focus is squarely on the role that greenhouse-gas emissions play in driving up global temperatures, and rightly so. But another important, less-known phenomenon is also heating up the planet: reductions in other types of pollution.
In particular, the world's power plants, factories, and ships are pumping much less sulfur dioxide into the air, thanks to an increasingly strict set of global pollution regulations. Sulfur dioxide creates aerosol particles in the atmosphere that can directly reflect sunlight back into space or act as the "condensation nuclei" around which cloud droplets form. More or thicker clouds, in turn, also cast away more sunlight. So when we clean up pollution, we also ease this cooling effect.
Before we go any further, let me stress: cutting air pollution is smart public policy that has unequivocally saved lives and prevented terrible suffering.The fine particulate matter produced by burning coal, gas, wood, and other biomatter is responsible for millions of premature deaths every year through cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses, and various forms of cancer, studies consistently show. Sulfur dioxide causes asthma and other respiratory problems, contributes to acid rain, and depletes the protective ozone layer.
But as the world rapidly warms, it's critical to understand the impact of pollution-fighting regulations on the global thermostat as well. Scientists have baked the drop-off of this cooling effect into net warming projections for the coming decades, but they're also striving to obtain a clearer picture of just how big a role declining pollution will play.A new study found that reductions in emissions of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants are responsible for about 38%, as a middle estimate, of the increased "radiative forcing" observed on the planet between 2001 and 2019.
An increase in radiative forcing means that more energy is entering the atmosphere than leaving it, as Kerry Emanuel, a professor of atmospheric science at MIT, lays out in a handy explainer here. As that balance has shifted in recent decades, the difference has been absorbed by the oceans and atmosphere, which is what is warming up the planet.
The remainder of the increase is "mainly" attributable to continued rising emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, says Øivind Hodnebrog, a researcher at the Center for International Climate and Environment Research in Norway and lead author of the paper, which relied on climate models, sea-surface temperature readings, and satellite observations.
The study underscores the fact that as carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases continue to drive up temperatures, parallel reductions in air pollution are revealing more of that additional warming, says Zeke Hausfather, a scientist at the independent research organization Berkeley Earth. And it's happening at a point when, by most accounts, global warming is about to begin accelerating or has already started to do so. (There's ongoing debate over whether researchers can yet detect that acceleration and whether the world is now warming faster than researchers had e .