45,000 Years Ago: An Advanced Material Culture Emerges in East Asia
Category Science Thursday - January 18 2024, 17:39 UTC - 1 year ago Evidence of advanced material culture, dating back 45,000 years ago, has been discovered at the Shiyu site in China. This includes innovative tools and artifacts, such as blade technology and the use of perforated graphite discs, as well as sophisticated hunting practices and long-distance resource procurement strategies. The discoveries shed light on the migration of early Homo sapiens into East Asia and highlight the complex process of cultural creolization in the region.
A recently published study in Nature Ecology & Evolution reveals evidence of advanced material culture in East Asia by 45,000 years ago, showcasing the sophisticated toolmaking and cultural practices of early Homo sapiens in the region. The study, conducted by a team of researchers from China, Australia, France, Spain, and Germany, focused on an archaeological collection from the Shiyu site in Shanxi Province, China.
The site, originally excavated in 1963, yielded a treasure trove of cultural and technological innovations. Along with animal bone modifications and a now-lost human cranial bone, the researchers were able to date the main cultural layer of Shiyu to between 45,800 and 43,200 years ago using radiocarbon methods. This timeframe coincides with the arrival of early Homo sapiens in the region.
What the researchers found was an advanced material culture, including blade technology, tanged and hafted projectile points, long-distance obsidian transfer, and the use of a perforated graphite disk. These tools and artifacts represent a range of innovative tools from the Upper Palaeolithic, as well as influences from previous cultures, such as Middle Palaeolithic Levallois points and various tanged tools.
In addition to these discoveries, the researchers also conducted taphonomic and use-wear analyses, which provided insights into the hunting practices of the Shiyu inhabitants. The results showed that they were skilled horse hunters, equipped with tanged and hafted projectile points that allowed them to selectively cull adult equids. This further demonstrates the advanced cultural and technological practices of the ancient people living at Shiyu 45,000 years ago.
The unique set of stone tool artifacts, along with the perforated graphite disc and bone tools, also suggest the existence of a rich and dynamic culture among the early East Asian peoples. The long-distance transport of obsidian from sources hundreds of kilometers away indicates sophisticated resource procurement strategies and migration abilities. This, in turn, highlights the complex process of cultural creolization in the region, wherein inherited traits blended with novel innovations to create a diverse and enriched mix of cultures and technological practices.
In summary, the recent study of the Shiyu site in China has revealed an advanced material culture dating back 45,000 years ago. This not only adds to our understanding of the migration patterns of early Homo sapiens, but also showcases the sophisticated toolmaking and cultural practices of these ancient peoples. It also emphasizes the importance of cultural exchange and innovation in shaping our history.